Singleton: - The Singleton is a Design Pattern. That only on single instance of a class. A Singleton can be accessed from anywhere in the program, but it cannot be modified from anywhere. It can only be modified from within the Singleton. It is, therefore, a means to protect globals.
A Singleton class supports inheritance, while a Static class is a sealed class, and therefore cannot be inherited. A Singleton class can inherit from other classes, while a Static class cannot (not even from other static classes).
- The singleton pattern increases coupling.
- The global nature leads to dependency hiding.
- It can be difficult to unit test the code.
- It can lead to tightly coupled code.
- If the single Instance of the object becomes corrupted, the entire system is compromised
A singleton class itself is not thread safe. Multiple threads can access the singleton same time and create multiple objects, violating the singleton concept. The singleton may also return a reference to a partially initialised object.
Example: -
class MySingleton {
static let shared = MySingleton() // Singleton instanceprivate init() {
// Private initializer to prevent external instantiation
func doSomething() {
print("Singleton: Doing something")
// Usage:
Dependency Injection:- Dependency injection reduces coupling
- Improves code reusability.
- Eases the unit testing of applications through mocking/stubbing injected dependencies.
- Reduces boilerplate code because dependencies are initialized by their injector component.
- Decouples component logic.
- Makes it easier to extend the application classes.
protocol MyDependency {
func performAction()
class MyDependencyImplementation: MyDependency {
func performAction() {
print("Dependency: Performing an action")
class MyClass {
let dependency: MyDependency
init(dependency: MyDependency) {
self.dependency = dependency
func useDependency() {
// Usage:
let dependency = MyDependencyImplementation()
let myClass = MyClass(dependency: dependency)
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