SOLID Principles in Swift
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Open/Closed Principle
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation
- Dependency Inversion
S - Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is that every class, module, or function in a program should have one responsibility(Task) in a program.
Example:- A Simple Class For multiple Responsibility
class SimpleHandler {
func simpleHandle() {
let data = requestToDataAPI()
let array = parseToResponse(data: data)
saveToDatabase(array: array)
private func requestToDataAPI() -> Data {
// Network request and wait the response
return Data()
private func parseToResponse(data: Data) -> [String] {
// Parse the network response into array
return []
private func saveToDatabase(array: [String]) {
// Save parsed response into database
This Simple class perform multiple Responsibility like first network, second parsing data and last loadData Binding data
Example:- It states that every module or Class should have only one responsibility.
class SrpHandler {
let api: APIHandler
let parse: ParsingData
let datahander: DataHandler
init(api: APIHandler,
parse: ParsingData,
datahander: DataHandler) {
self.api = api
self.parse = parse
self.datahander = datahander
func handler(){
let data = api.reqDataToApi()
let array = parse.parseResponse(data: data)
datahander.loadDataUI(array: array)
// Network request and wait the response
class APIHandler {
func reqDataToApi() -> Data{
return Data()
// Parse the network response into array
class ParsingData {
func parseResponse(data: Data) -> [String]{
return []
// Save parsed response into database
class DataHandler {
func loadDataUI(array: [String]){
O - Open/Closed Principle
Open means - Open for extension
closed means - closed for modification.
Open for Extension You should be able to extend or change the behavior of a class without effort. mean If you have to change in an existing class or change the behaviour.
Closed For Modification You must extend a class without changing the implematation
L - Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
The Liskov Substitution principle :- A Derived class should be substitutable for its base class without affecting the correctness of the program.
If you have a reference to a base class, you should be able to substitute a derived class without breaking the program.
Example: -
import Foundation
class Rectangle {
var width: Double
var height: Double
init(width: Double, height: Double){
self.width = width
self.height = height
func calculateArea()-> Double{
return width * height
class Square: Rectangle {
override var width: Double {
height = width
override var height: Double{
didSet {
width = height
init(side: Double){
super.init(width: side, height: side)
func printArea(rectangle: Rectangle){
let area = rectangle.calculateArea()
print("Area : \(area)")
let square = Square(side: 10.0)
printArea(rectangle: square)
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